Friday 7 September 2012

Sept 6th
Thankfully things did get better!
Downtown Leavenworth
We're in Leavenworth now and what a beautiful spot!  It's amazing tho how many people are here ... all 'old farts' like us traveling when the kids go back to school!
The campground - Icicle River RV park - is nice ... right on a river (Icicle River ... what a coincidence!) but we're jammed in here pretty closely.  If I could reach out the window right now I could touch the rig beside us.  Luckily we're only here one more night then off tomorrow to Osoyoos.
It's hot here ... I'd have thought in the mountains it'd be cooler but not during the day.  The forecast is for temps to 29C today!  If we're going to do anything we'd better do it early!
Linda getting 'misted'
Dinner at Cafe Christa's
We treated ourselves to a nice dinner last night at a German restaurant.  Some good local wine and good dark German beer and it was very nice.  I think we'll do a bit of a  hike this morning then some winery tours this afternoon.  Much more relaxing!

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