Friday 7 September 2012

Sept. 5th ... It's just gotta get better ...

Well, today was ... well it was a day.  We got to Bill Pierre Ford in Seattle to return a core from a part we'd ordered last year for our old mo-ho (Shasta).  We got our $150 deposit back.  That went well.
Went to a mall afterwards to get a sim card for Bruce's IPhone.  That went ok.  But his $30 worth of talk/text/downloads got eaten up with a couple of texts ... I guess they get you going from US-CAD.  We won't be using that phone a lot.  Unfortunately, my phone being on a pay-as-you-go plan doesn't work at all in the US.  Guess it's just email for now.
Found a Panera with Wi-Fi so got some emails etc.  I still can't find a fleece sweater .... I don't know what's up with that.  Although to be honest, it's been so hot lately I'm not sure I'll need it.  We found a Cabela's and tried there (a sign at the front door saying you had to check your guns here ... ???) Still no fleece but I got a nice Woolrich sweater instead.
Then we were off trying to find a laundromat as we had all those towels we'd used to soak up water that were dirty and still wet.
This did not go well.  It was hard to find, the heat was crazy, the traffic crazier and a few bad words and more bad attitude was flying hot and heavy.  Things were tense.
We finally found the laundromat and after 1 1/2 hours washing, drying and watching some very interesting characters, we were done.
Back to the mo-ho (which, with some encouragement we've decided to name - she's now called Dora ... after Dora the explorer plus ... I think she looks like a Dorado fish.) ... and I had another meltdown trying to fix dinner.
You know ... camping is one thing.  Living is one thing.  Trying to do both in a 30' RV is difficult.  I guess I'm still grieving for my old home and big kitchen.  Everything is so jammed in here and I keep looking for utensils and containers that I just don't have any more.  This is not for wimps!
But we'll adjust.
Oh yeah ... we also blew a fuse and lost power for a while.
So, a very stressful day.  Tomorrow we're heading for Leavenworth and hope things go better!
Good night!

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