Wednesday 5 September 2012

PHASE 2, 3, 4 ....
Tuesday, Sept 4th

Early start - woke up @ 5 am, shower and quick breakfast and out the door.  On our way to catch the 8 am ferry with car un-attached.  *TIP*  When going on BC Ferries ... if you are towing a vehicle ... it's way cheaper to go as 2 than as one unit connected!
Along the way Bruce got a call from his dad *TIP* Do not talk on cell phone while driving! telling him he'd dropped his envelope of US cash on the dresser.  So we had to pull over and wait till he drove out to meet us and deliver the cash!  Good thing we were early for the ferry!
Got there in plenty of time plus we had reservations so all was good.
We made it to the Peace Arch border crossing by 11:00 and after about a 1/2 hour wait made it thru with no problems.
Attached and ready to go!
We then got to our first stop - REI in Bellingham and picked up the stuff we'd ordered on-line (bike rack, roof racks etc.) then off to Camping World.  We found it ok ... but it wasn't what I'd envisioned.  No where near as large and full of good stuff ... however we did leave with over $500 worth of stuff!!  (A surge protector was over $200 so that's not SO bad!)
Then off to our first campsite at Wenberg.  (Review to follow).
Beer and appies ... and a bit of a rest.  Then we thought we'd take a quick bike ride to the lake before supper.  BIG MISTAKE.

Before the flood
We were only gone 20 minutes +/- but got back to the mo-ho to find water gushing out the side!!
Open it up and we were flooded!  A hose leading to the ice maker had burst/come apart and was shooting water everywhere.  We shut the water off and started bailing!  The carpet was soaked and I was scooping water off it with my hands and trying to soak it up with a sponge.  I finally had to get all our towels out and started soaking it up with them.  Every few minutes tho I'd have to try and wring the towels out and keep at it.  After a couple of hours doing that we finally had enough soaked up to put the space heater on and turned on the furnace and fans.

Luckily Bruce found the shut-off valve for the icemaker so we were able to turn the main water back on.   This morning the carpets are still wet ... but we're hoping that with a warm day and fans on it will almost dry out.  What a mess!

We called the insurance co. and Voyager (where we bought the unit) and they said nothing they could do ... just dry it out and hopefully it'll be all right.  Fingers crossed!!

So ... good start ... bad finish to the first day of camping!

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