Wednesday 12 September 2012

Catching up ...
Sept. 9th
Bathing beauties!
After picking up Mary & Steve, got to camp around 2-ish and sat around in the sun and played in the lake.  It was up to 31C so that felt good!  The lake is very shallow and that works for me as I can walk forever and the water is no higher than chest height!
We decided to go out for our anniversary dinner tonight as the weather's supposed to turn snotty tomorrow and we really wanted to sit on the balcony.
Happy 17th Anniversary!
We took a cab to Burrowing Owl (no one wanted to volunteer to be the designated driver!) and it was a perfect evening!  The weather was absolutely perfect, the wine was amazing (Cab/Franc) and the food was wonderful.  We shared some appies, then main courses of either halibut or steak.  Couldn't have been better!  A superb anniversary ... happy 17th!

Sept. 10th
Had an ok sleep ... Dora is quite tight with 4 people.
NK'MIP Desert Cultural Centre
After a light breakfast we walked over to the NK'MIP Desert Cultural Centre which is quite lovely.  There's quite a walk around the desert with lots of interpretive signs etc.  Then we got to see the snake show which was cool.
Grasslands Protected Area
Back to the mo-ho for an appie lunch then off to the Grasslands Protected Area.  A VERY bumpy, un-marked road leads you to the most amazing place.  Beautiful grasslands where you can get out and walk forever it seems!  It was quite cool and windy tho so didn't stay too long.
Back home to steak & pear/pecan salad for supper.
A 'rousing' game of dominoes and early to bed.

Sept. 11th

Bruce with our 'booty'
moocher dog
Lake Breeze
After we all got up and at it ... began our drive to Kelowna to take Mary & Steve back to the airport.  Along the way we took a detour up to Naramata to do some wine tasting!  We visited Kettle Valley Winery, Red Rooster, Hillside Estate and Lake Breeze - where we had a very nice lunch.  We were joined by the owners dog who proceeded to mooch from one table then the next - but he was VERY cute!
Then off to the airport and a very sad good-bye to Mary & Steve!

Sept. 12th
Bruce on the canal bike path
A 'domestic' day today.  Laundry, cleaning, in to town to pick up a part for our bike rack, a stop at a fruit stand for dinner 'fixin's' then home for lunch.  After that we went for a bike ride along the canal and had a great time.  Would have been greater if I'd have remembered to put on my padded bike shorts tho - OUCH!!!
The weather is beautiful again ... not so hot ... only around 22C which is perfect for me!
Bruce is out paddling on the lake right now so time for me to relax and read a bit!

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