Saturday 8 September 2012

Sept 7th

A nice, relaxing kind of day.  We took a very pretty walk around the 'scenic waterfront walkway' downtown.  Not a huge walk but nice views and interesting reading the legends along the way to learn the history of the area.
Started to get hot so we grabbed some food - visited the Cheesmonger  which had an amazing variety of cheeses and sausages.  The staff is super friendly and we were offered many, many tastes of cheese.
Once we loaded up there we headed to the basically only grocery store in town and picked up a few more things.
Friday nite appie nite!
Back to the campsite and put out our lounge chairs and read, caught up on email etc. while watching the river and hoping for a bear sighting (didn't happen!).  Towards dinner time we broke out some Corona's and got out the Scrabble game for a rousing contest!  (Don't know who won as we started talking to the neighbor and never did finish ... but I was ahead!)
Then got out our wonderful cheeses etc. and had a nice, Friday nite appie nite with some wine we'd brought from home - a nice white Red Rooster.  It cools off pretty quickly so we were inside by 7:30.  Watched an episode of Eureka and snuggled in the bed for a pretty good night's sleep.  We're off to Osoyoos tomorrow so early to bed!

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