Tuesday 18 September 2012

Sept 18

Arrived at Christina Lake on the 16th.  It's a small town between Grand Forks and Castlegar, BC.  Small now but we hear that in summer this place is polluted with people who occupy the zillions of cottages that ring the lake as well as the numerous campgrounds.  And it seems that they all have at least one power boat or jet ski.  Luckily the season is over for the year and it's pretty quiet. 
camp at Skands
We got a nice spot in Skands Court RV Park which is situated right on the lake.  As there's hardly anyone here we got the prime spot parallel to the lake.  So sitting outside under our awning is a wonderful unobstructed view!
Kayak God
The lake isn't as warm as Lake Osoyoos but they bill themselves "The Warmest Tree-Lined Lake" in Canada.  Hmmm.  It's sort of 'warm-ish' I guess.  But I must say it does feel good on these truly toasty days we're getting.  Yesterday we recorded a temp of 35 outside our mo-ho!!
Linda before she melted
We've gone for a few paddles and yesterday we tried to bike a section of the Trans Canada Trail.  Tried I say as it's not only quite rough (for me) but there's that 35C temp to deal with.  Bruce finally had to leave me in the one shady spot we found and bike back so he could rescue me with the car!  Nice try ... and it's a beautiful panoramic view ... trestles to cross and all ... but the heat is just too much.
Linda at Christina Lake
Today we drove into Castlegar to see what we could see and had a very nice and interesting time at the Doukhobor Village Museum and The Railway Museum.  Had lunch at a Greek place sitting outside.  Very pleasant but noisy!  Man there's a lot of noisy trucks and motorcycles in Castlegar!!
Back home to Dora and sitting outside.  Picked up some Scotch in Castlegar so may sit out and use the 'campfire in a can' sipping a wee dram tonight.  It gets cold at night so might just be the thing!
Bye for today!

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