Friday 28 September 2012

Sept 24th-Sept 28th
Kaslo, BC
S.S. Moyie in Kaslo, BC
A beautiful small town full of history!  We took a tour of the S.S. Moyie, the world's oldest intact stern paddlewheeler.  What a treat!  It's loaded with artifacts and kitted out to look as if you were stepping on board to head out on a voyage.  Wonderful museum - very informative!
Cedar Bay camp
We stayed at the Cedar Bay RV site - which is right on Kootenay Lake.  Nice site - full hook-up but no other amenities.  We were the only ones there which is a bonus - perfect time for camping out here!
We didn't end up going for a paddle here tho ... the wind kept coming up and as Kootenay Lake is 97 miles long, it can get pretty gnarly!
Museum at Sandon
Instead we headed out to Ainsworth Hot Springs and soaked for a while.  What a treat!  Then headed back to the campsite to read and relax!
Sept 25th
Took a drive out to a cool ghost town - Sandon, BC and toured the museum there.  WELL worth a stop ... it's a long, bumpy gravel road off the beaten path, but very cool.  There is still a mining operation up there but not much else.
Then back to the camp and out to the hot springs again!  Back at camp - dinner - campfire in a can - quiet - stars - beautiful night!
Sept. 26th
Bruce at beach on Kootenay Lake
Took a walk to the falls near here.  What gorgeous weather!  Sat on the beach for a while, then back to camp for some housekeeping.
Bruce at Kaslo Hotel and Brew Pub
Later we drove in to Kaslo to eat at this hotel/brew pub we'd seen.  It's got a patio overlooking the lake that looked to be a perfect place for a beer and some good pub food.  Well, the view is spectacular - no question.  Unfortunately, the brewing side of things wasn't 'up and running' yet, so we had some other local beer which was good.  The food however wasn't really that great.  But the view made up for a lot of it!  Back home to Dora and another episode of Eureka.  BTW ... if you've never seen that TV show - it's well worth a look.  Very quirky show about a town full of brilliant people who're always creating some kind of weird problems that the not-so-brilliant sherrif has to sort out.  Funny, gentle kind of humour.
Kaslo at night
Sept 27th
Decided not to head up to Nakusp.  It's getting colder up here in the mountains and there's not much more to do.  Decided to head back to Christina Lake where we know we can paddle, bike etc.  So Bruce drove while Linda white-knuckled it thru some of the most twisty-turny, dippy, bumpy and patched up roads in BC.  I think there was some good scenery out there ... but I was too busy hanging on for dear life to notice!  BTW ... Bruce is a marvelous driver ... I'm just a very poor passenger!
So we're back here at Skands at Christina - but someone else has scooped our perfect spot looking un-obstructed at the beach.  But we've got a good site ... still looking at the lake but a bit more treed.  If the other people leave tho ... we'll be over there in a flash!
So think we'll go out for a morning paddle, then perhaps some biking this afternoon!

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