Sunday 16 September 2012

Sept 15th
Bruce squeezing his tomato!
Started the day with a nice bike ride into town.  Stopped at a pretty cafe and had some coffee in an outside patio.  We then scoped out the town to try and find a possibly Mexican restaurant for dinner that night but no such luck.  You'd think with so many places here called 'Casa Del so and so' and 'Costa del so and so' that there'd be something resembling Mexican but not so much. 

It got pretty toasty today - around 25C or so - so mostly just lounged around campsite.  We then biked to the fruitstand for veg and fruit for the next few days.  Lots of local produce to choose from!
Back 'home' with our goodies
The wind picked up hugely just around the time we were going to head out for a late afternoon paddle so instead we battened down the hatches and secured the mainsail etc. for a long nights' buffeting.

Tomorrow we'll head out for possibly Christina Lake ... not too far from here.  We'll see how that goes.  Good night for now!

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