Sunday 3 March 2013

March 3, On the Road ...

We caught the 10:30 ferry to Port Angeles on Saturday the 2nd and arrived at approx. 12:05 +/-.  The crossing was good ... no winds or big swells to make me queasy!  We had some nice entertainment during the crossing ... a girl and guy with a guitar and banjo playing and singing bluegrass.  Very nice!

We made it to Vancouver, WA the first night in the dark and rain.  The mo-ho (btw ... we've named her Rosy ... as the interior is all upholstered in 1980's pink) works well although it does seem a bit light on the front end.   We think it's because all the weight is in the rear ... generator, fresh water, holding tanks, gas etc.  ... so it kind of floats as it drives.  It gives Bruce a real workout driving!  Two hands and paying attention constantly!

Tonight we made it only to Grants Pass, OR ... we did a lot of errands today.  We had to replace the microwave as the one in the unit sucked ... plus a few other things ... booze not being the least!  We found some good wine for $8.00 and another bottle for $2.50 which we'll try tomorrow night.  Tonight we went thru the $8 bottle and it was GOOD!  We've been seeing signs for some kind of liquor extravaganza which we'll HAVE to stop at tomorrow!  The only errand we didn't get done is find a phone place to get a new sim card for Bruce's phone so we can make calls without spending $1,000 a call.  We'll try that tomorrow.

Today's weather was sunny and warm ... hope that continues! 

The only complaints ... gas is a pain as most places only take $100 at a time (if they take credit cards at all) and we have to fill up every 200 miles or so ... not great mileage.  But it is what it is ...

Tomorrow ... California ... yeah!

So good-night for now!

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