Sunday 10 March 2013

March 10 ... spoke too soon!

Yes, once again water issues!  We woke the nite of the 7th with the toilet overflowing!  WTF???  We quickly turned off the water at the tap outside ... still there was water/bodily wastes flowing out of the toilet.  (Of course we happened to be at a camp with no sewer connection.)  What to do?  It's PITCH BLACK outside (but great for star-watching!).  So we tried dumping our fresh water supply ... thinking that somehow water was still coming in to the toilet via that.  STILL water overflowing!!!  No choice now but unhook power, etc. - drive off our leveling blocks and locate the dumping station in the PITCH BLACK.  Finally found it and off-loaded the tanks.  No more flooding thank goodness.  Now had to find our campsite again and get back onto blocks.  At about midnight we were finished mopping up floors and back in bed (although wide awake and cold!). 
Cottonwood Springs
We still don't have a clue about how we could keep flooding with no water in the RV.  Any thoughts out there?

The next day was better as we drove thru Joshua Tree Park and stopped at Cottonwood Springs to see the most magnificent stand of giant palms, cottonwoods etc. ... in the middle of the desert! A magical place! 
Onwards then to Yuma where we stopped for the night and opted to go out to dinner for our first Mexican meal on the trip.  We located one from the guidebook and it was quite acceptable.  Nothing outstanding, but the Margaritas were good (and big) and the homemade salsa was amazing!

Now we're just outside of Tucson and are spending a couple of days.  We'll hit the Arizona Sonora Desert Museum this morning, then try to find this Rillito River Park Trail which is a hiking/biking/walking trail along the Rillito river and runs for about 25 miles thru Tucson.  Sounds great.  The weather is going up to around 18C today after some cold and rain so should be perfect!

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