Monday 25 March 2013

March 25, 2013 Blown into Albuquerque

Windy or what??
March 24th  What a couple of days!  The wind in these parts is incredible!  We've had a couple of days with gusts to over 40mph!  It's really bad because it's not just wind ... it's the sand IN the wind!  We've got sand in every crevice you can imagine!  So it makes it not fun to do much of anything outside.
We had actually found a decent campsite at Sumner Lake State Park ... just outside of Fort Sumner ... no one there but us and overlooking the lake ... but it got so windy there was no point in staying.  We couldn't even go for a walk as you'd get blown off the trail!
So we decided to push on to Albuquerque as at least there's some inside stuff to see and do.
On the way we stopped at the Billy the Kid museum in Fort Sumner - which was pretty cool by the way - and then went to the Bosque Redondo Memorial at Fort Sumner State Monument just outside of town.  Very moving and told the story of the Navajo and Mescalero Apache long walk in 1863.  We think of other nations/peoples being brutal and savage ... none more so than what happened when the white man decided he had the 'God-given right' to take whatever he wanted.  Anyway.
Route 66
Then hit the road on the famous Route 66 which is interesting to say the least.  Some things haven't changed in all the years since it was the major route through here.
Long, LONG roads
The rest of the roads in this part of New Mexico ... not so interesting.  Long, LONG stretches of mostly nothing.  
We'll be here in Albuquerque for a week or so ... lots to see and do.  Plus we'll get a few things done on Rosy as we're staying right next to a Camping World. 

March 25th up-date ... it's been COLDDDDD!!!  The temperatures at night are going down to 26F and the last 2 nights we've found our water line frozen!  Brrrrrr.  The winds have dropped somewhat so at least that's a blessing!  But still ... the daytime temps are staying around 50+/-.
Old Town Albuquerque
Yesterday we opted to do 'indoor' stuff so we visited the New Mexico Museum of Natural History & Science.  What a GREAT place!!!  We spent over 3 hours there looking at dinosaurs of all descriptions.  They've also got a planetarium which we didn't get to but I think we'll go back today and see that and some films in their IMax.  It's very convenient around here as a lot of the stuff to see is grouped close by such as the museum and Old Town.  I like it here ... if it would just warm up!!!  Oh ... and the internet connection here sucks!

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