Wednesday 20 March 2013

March 20, 2013 Roswell, NM

Entrance to Caves
Whales Mouth formation
A busy few days!  We camped at Brantley State Park outside of Carlsbad, NM and from there visited Carlsbad Caverns.  What can I say?  It's simply the most amazing place - short of the Grand Canyon.  About the same brain-boggling sights ... you almost can't process all of what you're seeing!  We took the self-guided 3 hour tour as all the guided tours were booked.  No worries tho as this one is amazing!  I've never said "WOW", "AMAZING", "OMG" in my life.  I don't think my jaw stopped dropping the whole 3 hours.  Super day!
Camping at Brantley State Park
Brantley State Park was good ... nice to stay out somewhere more rural for a change.
We took in the Living Desert Zoo and Gardens which was nice ... but nothing as great as the Desert Museum in Tucson.
Which one is the alien?
Then ... Roswell.  Kind of a letdown actually.  I didn't expect much and boy there wasn't much.  The UFO Museum  was kind of bogus ... oh, a lot of articles and stories ... but mostly reading reams and reams of stuff.  (No actual aliens!!!)
We'll head out tomorrow for the Valley of Fire Recreating Area near Carrizozo.  Sounds intriguing. The weather is cooler today ... only around 65 - 70 but very windy.  Lots of dust in the air and we're both feeling the effects of low humidity.  My skin feels like an alligator and we're both having nose and sinus problems.  Tomorrow it's supposed to go back up to 90 so we should just enjoy the cooler weather while we've got it.

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