Wednesday 13 March 2013

March 13, 2013 Whitesands, NM

Drove out to Whitesands today.  There's a Missle Range there ... museum ... lots of obsolete missiles etc.  Good museum with lots of history of the area and weaponry.  Whatever.  (Linda talking).

After that we carried on to Whitesands National Monument ... now THAT was cool!  Miles and friggin' miles of whitesand!  Here's the cool thing ... you can buy special sleds to sled the dunes ... for $16.99 each and then turn them in for $5.00 each.  So a net purchase to you of $11.99.  We were sitting there having a bit of lunch (microwaved burritos!) and got to thinking ... if we stopped someone before they turned in their sled for $5.00 and offered them $6.00 ... we could then turn them in for $5.00 and be ahead of the game!!  Duh!  So we stopped a guy with 2 kids who'd bought used sleds for $10 each and was going to get $3.00 to turn them in.  He sold them to us for $5 for the 2 of them ... we then used them ... returned them for the $3.00 each and came out $1.00 ahead!!  What a scam!!

Water ... I need water ...
Anyway ... the dunes were amazing and so white ... and they went for MILES and MILES!!  Lots of people stopped to walk around them and to sled them ... quite a neat thing to do.  The sledding was fun ... but for us old folks ... we only got a few sleds in ... because we're at altitude and because it was hot (tho only about 70F) we didn't carry on for too long.  Just too difficult a climb and for Bruce ... didn't get a great ride down.  I however ... had a screamin' ride down and enjoyed every minute. 

Back to camp and Margarita time! 

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