Tuesday 30 April 2013

Maui ... Wowie!

Where to begin ... it's been fabuluous!  We're staying in a luxury resort with our own bedroom, bathroom and mini-kitchen.  It's part of the suite - the other 1/2 has Lonnie & Sandy's bedroom and their bathroom, the main kitchen, dining room, living room & 2 lanai's.  No ocean view ... but we do have a view of the mountains so get to see the sun come up each morning.  We usually go down to the tables by the bar-b-ques to eat at night so can watch the sunset over the water while dining on fresh fish or whatever we decide on.  Very nice!
Linda snorkeling!

We've done lots of water/beach related stuff ... and (and this is BIG for those of you who know me) I've gone snorkeling for the first time ever!

It didn't last long ... but I saw some cool fishes before I got seasick. 
Sea turtle!
Yes ... in 2 feet of water I managed to get seasick!  Well ... the tide was pushing water in and out ...

I also did another first by going down a waterslide in the hotel pool!  It was super fun!  So I did it several more times and got some really good airtime before hitting the water!  You just never know what I'll be brave enough to do next!

The 4 of us took the drive out to Haleakala National Park the other day.  It's quite a winding, narrow road up to the crater, but was quite interesting once we got up there.  It's not a 'usual' kind of volcanic crater where the hole is there from erupting lava ... it's mostly due to erosion so quite a beautiful yet stark landscape!
Top of Haleakala

We had an enjoyable dinner one night for Lonnie & Sandy's anniversary.  Sunset on the beach ... ahhhh ... beautiful! 
Anniversary dinner
Haleakala crater

I guess they mean business!
We took a drive out to the Nakalele blowhole which unfortunately was not blowing!  Wrong swell direction or low tide or something.  Cool spot nonetheless!

We also drove out to Ulupalakau which was very scenic and had the most magnificent Jacaranda trees along the way!  We enjoyed the
Jacaranda tree
drive as it's less 'touristy' and more of the 'real' island ... lots of old buildings and lush vegetation.

Today we drove the famous 'Hana Highway' which at only 42 miles long is a hair-raising 2 hour +/- drive as it has over 600 twists and
Along Hana Highway
turns and 56 one-lane bridges!  Interesting when there's a cement truck trying to negotiate the same road coming towards you!  But how jaw-droppingly beautiful!  Unfortunately it was raining quite hard when we got there so we didn't stay too long.
Along the way tho there's some neat waterfalls, bamboo forests and
Bruce in bamboo forest
'rainbow eucalyptus' trees!  

Now we're back at the room getting ready for another fantastic bar-b-que meal ... tonight is fresh marlin!  Better get helping with preperations!

Cool general store

Bar-b-que kings!

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