Friday 5 April 2013

April 5, 2013 Hello From Taos

Hello from Taos!
Linda in one of the pools
Ojo Caliente
What a fantastic few days!  We were totally ‘off the grid’ but loving it!  Half way between Santa Fe and Taos is a magical place called ‘Ojo Caliente’.  The site features mineral pools that have been in use by the indigineous people for thousands of years and is now a world class spa.  We stayed in their campground for 2 nights and indulged ourselves in their wonderful waters.  We sort of lucked out as the campground is pretty rustic and is run almost as an afterthought to the hotel and cottages at the spa … the reservation system leaves something to be desired and we had to change campsites about 4 times before we found one that wasn’t already spoken for.  The luck part is that they ‘comped’ us 2 passes into the public pools AND threw in a 50 minute private pool session.  The public pools are great … there are several of them and they each have a different mineral composition.  They are small with maximum capacities of between 10 – 20 people.  They are strictly ‘whisper’ zones and people use them for not only relaxation, but meditation and prayer.  There is also a larger pool which is not as hot and more relaxed as to noise levels. 
Camping at Ojo

The private pools tho are awesome!  They are about 30’ square and are surrounded by high walls of adobe but open to the stars.  We booked the pool at 8 pm and it included a fire in the kiva fireplace.  It was magical!  The night was totally black and the stars were out in full force.  And because it was private … we were able to enjoy it ‘au nauturel’!
Our 'private' pool time!
We also had the most amazing meal at their restaurant as well!

During the day there are numerous hikes in the area taking you to various places like an old mica
mine and lots of ruins.  It is a place not to be missed if you’re ever in the area!
Hiking around Ojo

Yesterday morning we pulled out reluctantly and headed for Taos.
Hiking around Ojo
The campground we’re in is ok …. But once again their ‘free wi-fi’ doesn’t work!  This is a constant problem in these places and drives us nuts!  But … still … you can see the mountains and it’s close to downtown so hard to complain too loudly!
We explored the town which is mostly touristy shops, restaurants and cool architecture.  Today we drove the 'Enchanted Circle Drive' which is an 83 mile round trip that winds through Carson Nat'l Forest and thru towns like Angel Fire, Red River, Eagle Nest etc.   We even drove up to the Taos Ski area and believe it or not ... they're still skiing there!  It looks like a huge mountain so lots of areas to still find snow.  
 Weather is beautiful and we’re enjoying the area.  We came in on a small, dirt road that wound around and down till we got to the Rio Grande Gorge.  Spectacular area but all campgrounds are still closed.  It looks like it could get extremely busy in the summer months with raft rides etc.
I think we'll stay another night and take in some local stuff tomorrow.  For now it's laundry and then Margarita time!

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