Sunday 14 April 2013

April 13, 2013 Manitou Springs

Colorado Springs/Manitou Springs
April 11, 2013
This is probably not the best time of year to be at high altitudes … unless you’re a fur-bearing critter … which I’m not.  I miss the desert and the warm temperatures! 

We got out and about yesterday for a bit – drove up to Garden of the Gods
and checked out the sights and then on to the Trading Post which is HUGE!!.
Garden of the Gods
Old Manitou Springs
Then we walked around the older section of Manitou Springs which is very funky and interesting.  It’s very ‘tie-died/new age’ but with gun shops thrown in next to the hemp shops.  Lots of cool architecture and just a nice feeling place.  Had lunch in a Polish restaurant-wish I could have remembered some of the language from listening to my grandparents.  We had some home-made Borscht which was quite good … but different from our family recipe.  I find that every family seems to have their own version handed down.  Depends on what kind of stuff was available in their region of the old country I guess. 

Then on to Manitou Springs Cliff Dwellings
where you could walk around and see some similar dwellings to Mesa Verde.  Unfortunately we got there just as a couple buss loads of school kids around 7 - 8 years old did.  They were more interested in sliding down railings than looking at old cliff dwellings ... pretty funny actually!  But the area was amazing and the gift shop was housed in an old Pueblo home that's been there for hundreds of years.  Very cool.

Manitou Springs Cliff Dwellings

Today Bruce got up early and headed to Garden of the Gods – which is only a few minutes from our campground – to take some photos while the sun was out.  I did laundry – woo-hoo!  When he got home we both headed out to G of the G and walked around enjoying the little of the sunshine that was left. 
Bruce at G. of the G.
The clouds were moving in and the wind was picking up which I guess is typical for this area … sunny in the mornings and cloudy in the afternoons. 

April 12, 2013

Did some exploring around the areas where Bruce used to live ... up on 'the bluffs' but not such great views as it was pretty foggy/cloudy.  Went and walked around Garden of the Gods and checked out their gift shop which is HUGE!  I am apparently addicted to gift shops!
Then we hit Old Town Colorado Springs which - once again - is amazing with the old architecture and funky signs etc. 
Old Colorado Springs
We visited the Michael Garmin store and gallery (Bruce has a number of his small sculptures which are very neat!) and just enjoyed the the atmosphere!

April 13, 2013

Drove out to Canon City (spoken - Canyon city) and the Royal Gorge Bridge.
The temperatures were higher than forecast - but the winds made it a bit cooler - still got up to around 70F.  The bridge is awesome.  We're still not sure why it was built ... as it really isn't used for traffic anymore ... but it was built in 1929 for about $350,000 and took about 6 months which is totally
Royal Gorge Bridge
amazing to think about. Today it would take 10x that long just to get permits and quotes! 
Not sure if it was a joke
Incline Railway
There is lots to do there ... an aerial tram (Bruce went on this -  I chickened out), a zip line, a skycoaster, a funicular railway etc.  We both went on the funicular (incline) railway which goes right down to the base of the mountain to the Arkansas River below.  We saw some kayakers going down the river (Bruce was literally frothing at the mouth wishing he could join them!) as well as the scenic train that runs along the river.  The one stop we did NOT enjoy was the food ... which was overcooked and overpriced.  Still ... an amazing day!  Not looking forward to the cold weather they say is coming.  Snow forecast for Tuesday!  
We enjoyed Canon City ... cool, funky town where I got 'hatted up' ... since Bruce got his Cowboy hat
Canon City
I've been jealous so I finally got one as well.  I think I look pretty good ... for a tenderfoot!  We both
Just call me Winona!
tried on Cowboy boots but just couldn't make that final jump to the Western Way!  (we may still buy guns at WalMart tho if time permits!)  LOL!  

April 14, 2013
Last night was a doozy!  Extreme winds and torrential rains!  When I looked outside this morning I was praying it hadn't turned to snow!  It didn't - thank goodness!  There is snow forecast for early next week ... lots and lots of it!  It's pretty cold out right now ... only about 33F (8 am) and the wind is still high.  Lots of snow up on Pikes Peak so not sure this is a good time to go up the cog railway.  Not sure what we'll do today.  We would head south again but we've got Rosy booked in for a checkup tomorrow plus we have to be in Denver by the 20th.  Wish we had our snowshoes!

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