Tuesday 21 May 2013

May 21, 2013 Resting in Redding, CA

Hi All,
Bruce with Mt. Shasta
Just taking a much needed break here in Redding, CA.  We're staying at an RV park and marina (well ... it does have a boat ramp sort of ...) which is right on the Sacramento River.  The weather is warm and sunny and we had a nice bike ride today.  Actually Redding is quite a nice town ... they have TONS of bike trails all within striking distance of the city.  The one we took today was the Sacramento River Trail which winds around 10 miles +/- thru some very scenic trails with views of Mt. Shasta in the background. 
There's a cool bridge to cross called the Sundial Bridge ... which is the tallest working sundial in the world!  The bridge is next to the Turtle Bay Museum & Exhibition Park.  Carol ... you'd love the turtles in the ponds!
Linda at Sundial Bridge

We're heading out tomorrow for the coast - right now Eureka is the probable destination ... getting ready for the final push home.  We've made our reservations on the Coho for the 1st of June - a Saturday - as we can then move directly into our reserved site back at West Bay Marina.  We've decided to stay in Rosy for June as they have us booked into a cock-a-mamie site that isn't really appropriate for out 5th wheel ... plus at the end of June they have us moving which will cost $$.  So ... we'll still be in small quarters for a while yet but it's ok as it's really starting to feel like 'home'.

I'll write more later when I'm in internet range again ... never know when that will be.

PS ... so far no more major RV problems/emergencies/costs!  Yay!!!

May 22, 2013 Up-date ...
We're still in Redding.  We've decided to stay another day as the weather on the coast looks cold and rainy for the next day or so and we've been enjoying some good warmth here.
We took a drive out to Shasta State Historic Park which sounded better than it was.  Right on the highway and kind of cool brick storefronts but nothing open.  Still ... a nice drive.
This afternoon we'll head out again for another bike ride ... this one goes from Keswick Dam to the Shasta Dam which is about 10 miles.  Lots of flowering trees and shrubs to see ... should be good!
And then definitely tomorrow ... West Coast ... rain or not!

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