Saturday 1 June 2013

May 31, 2013 Back to Reality!

Well, here it is … the final day of our trip.  What a trip it’s been!
We were hoping to spend the final days tootling about the Olympic Peninsula and … we have … but the weather seems to be un-cooperative.  Typical west coast stuff … but a far cry from the sunny southwest.  We’ve had rain, wind … and in some places … snow!!
What the???
Bruce fogged out!
Yes, we drove up to Hurricane Ridge and wouldn’t you know it … we were in the middle of the clouds so couldn’t really see much … and most of the trails were closed as there still a ‘crap-load’ of  snow up there!  Who’d have thought??

Port Townsend
We explored a few other areas around and walked thru Port  Townsend and Port Angeles. Port Townsend is certainly the nicer and more tourist-friendly town.  Very cool old buildings and an interesting history of logging and fishing etc. 

Lodge at Crescent Lake
We also drove out to Crescent Lake which has an old, wonderful lodge built around 1916 or so.  We stopped in and had a nice coffee on their patio looking out over the lake.  A place I’d definitely like to come back to and maybe stay a night or so.  Old jazz standards playing in the background … you can almost see the people dressed up in their tux’es and silk gowns dancing and having champagne.  Very cool.

Tomorrow is back to Victoria and ‘reality’.  We catch the 12:45 ferry out of Port Angeles to downtown Victoria.  We have a spot reserved at West Bay so we’ll head straight there.

So … that’s all folks … until next time …

Good-bye from our home with 6 wheels! 

Monday 27 May 2013

May 27, 2013 'Coasting' up to Portland, OR

Hi all,

We finally made it to the west coast of California on (I think) the 23rd.  A little town called Eureka which isn't much to speak of.  Only stayed 1 night.  We then headed out on up the coast and made it to Coos Bay, OR where we got a campsite right on the ocean and stayed there for 2 nights.  The beaches in Oregon are amazing.  The state passed a law quite some time ago giving the public the right to use every inch of the 363 miles of coastline so unlike some places, there's no hotels/resorts/private beaches ... it's ALL public. 
Unfortunately, the weather has turned cool, cloudy and windy at
times.  Which is why we decided to get out the kite and try our luck. 
Wouldn't you know it ... the MINUTE we got it out the wind died right off!  But we got some exercise chasing it when it crashed!

We left Coos Bay to drive a short way up the coast to Newport, OR which we read about in some magazine.  It's a pretty cool place ... been a fishing village forever ... and now still fishing but also lots of quaint shops and restaurants and - because it was Memorial Day weekend - FULL of tourists!

This morning the weather turned very snotty and looked to be that way for days to come so we decided to put off the rest of the coast trip for another time.  We headed up to Portland which is where we are right now.  Don't know if we'll stay here 1 or 2 nights ... we don't have to be in Port Angeles to catch the ferry till Friday night and it's not that far away now.  We'll simply play it by ear and see
how it goes.

So sad ... almost the end of this adventure ... but always a new one on the horizon!

Tuesday 21 May 2013

May 21, 2013 Resting in Redding, CA

Hi All,
Bruce with Mt. Shasta
Just taking a much needed break here in Redding, CA.  We're staying at an RV park and marina (well ... it does have a boat ramp sort of ...) which is right on the Sacramento River.  The weather is warm and sunny and we had a nice bike ride today.  Actually Redding is quite a nice town ... they have TONS of bike trails all within striking distance of the city.  The one we took today was the Sacramento River Trail which winds around 10 miles +/- thru some very scenic trails with views of Mt. Shasta in the background. 
There's a cool bridge to cross called the Sundial Bridge ... which is the tallest working sundial in the world!  The bridge is next to the Turtle Bay Museum & Exhibition Park.  Carol ... you'd love the turtles in the ponds!
Linda at Sundial Bridge

We're heading out tomorrow for the coast - right now Eureka is the probable destination ... getting ready for the final push home.  We've made our reservations on the Coho for the 1st of June - a Saturday - as we can then move directly into our reserved site back at West Bay Marina.  We've decided to stay in Rosy for June as they have us booked into a cock-a-mamie site that isn't really appropriate for out 5th wheel ... plus at the end of June they have us moving which will cost $$.  So ... we'll still be in small quarters for a while yet but it's ok as it's really starting to feel like 'home'.

I'll write more later when I'm in internet range again ... never know when that will be.

PS ... so far no more major RV problems/emergencies/costs!  Yay!!!

May 22, 2013 Up-date ...
We're still in Redding.  We've decided to stay another day as the weather on the coast looks cold and rainy for the next day or so and we've been enjoying some good warmth here.
We took a drive out to Shasta State Historic Park which sounded better than it was.  Right on the highway and kind of cool brick storefronts but nothing open.  Still ... a nice drive.
This afternoon we'll head out again for another bike ride ... this one goes from Keswick Dam to the Shasta Dam which is about 10 miles.  Lots of flowering trees and shrubs to see ... should be good!
And then definitely tomorrow ... West Coast ... rain or not!

Thursday 16 May 2013

May 16, 2013 - More Motorhome Blues ... and Greens!

Yes, more tales of woe from on the road!

We left Bryce Canyon bright and early heading for US Hwy 50 (dubbed the ‘loneliest road in the U.S.!) on the 13th and began to enjoy a long ride of empty roads and not much else!  It definitely deserves that name!  Anyway … we stopped for gas a fairly large-ish service station/Burger King/Gas Bar to fill up in a ‘lovely’ town called (of all things) Beaver, UT.  While filling up, one of the guys from the service station wandered over and offered to check our tire pressure as they looked a bit low.  So after filling up we pulled over to the service station and while checking pressure he noticed there was more going on than low pressure … the rear tires were pretty much shot!  Now … we were aware they were in rough shape … when we were in Albuquerque we were told during our checkup at Camping World that they were bad but would ‘probably’ make it thru the trip.  Well, seeing the cracking, blistering, crowning and serious lack of tread this fellow told us we were taking an enormous risk of blowout on this gigantic stretch of ‘nothing’ road.  We decided he was right and as they could do it right away … and gave us a AAA discount, we decided to go for it.

So.  Lunch at Burger King (yum!) waiting.  We were called over after a few minutes … the guy was checking the pressure on the front tires which at first glance looked ok.  He noticed that the ‘inside’ section of tire was wearing away!  What from???  He looked up and saw our shock on that side was rusted, broken and leaking fluid which was dripping on the tire and eating away the surface.  So …. The front tires DID need changing PLUS we needed a new shock. 

Linda is now in ‘shock’ herself!  I laughingly told the guy “don’t look at any more stuff … please!!!”  Unfortunately, he did and saw the rear shocks were in equally as bad a shape … rusted and broken.  So … we changed those as well!  They were fast, I gotta say that for them … they had 3 guys working on Rosy and in 2 hours all was done … with Bruce & Linda U.S.D. $2,615.00 ‘greenbacks’ poorer.

The good news is … all our steering problems … Bruce driving as if he were in constant danger of skidding out of control … was gone!!!  No wonder it was driving so poorly … bad tires, no shocks … it’s a wonder we hadn’t gotten into some serious trouble trying to drive like that! 

So … “Here’s to Beaver” … if we hadn’t of stopped there we might have had a serious blowout or accident!  (But all I wanted was gas ……..)

Lehman Cave Campground
We finally pulled into our destination for the night at Great Basin National Park at around 4-ish.  We really didn’t know what was there but it seemed a good place to stop for the night.  (It was the ONLY place to stop for the night!) We found a very cool campground at the Lehman Cave Campground.  (Bonus - only $6/night fee!)  Didn’t even know there was a cave there!  We took a tour at 9 am this morning (15th) and it was awesome! 
In Lehman Cave
Small in comparison to Carlsbad etc, but FULL of neat formations.  And the ranger (Ranger Steve) gave a very informative and fun tour – lasting about 1 ½ hours.

After that we drove up to Wheeler Peak parking lot (elevation 10,260 ft) with the thought of taking a hike to some alpine meadows.  However … the elevation was such that there was a LOT of snow on the trail … snowshoes would have been awesome … but with just summer boots and no proper clothing/equipment it soon became apparent that trudging thru snow up to our knees just wasn’t going to work.  Not to mention Bruce is quite sick with his cold so it was a good excuse to head back to camp and some much needed rest.
Trying to hike on Mt Wheeler
The campground is awesome (not many spots but VERY cool) (and no hookups but batteries are working fine!) right on a creek.  We sat out drinking scotch listening to the sound of the water till twilight last night.  So … poorer in $$ but richer in experience!

Today we drove to Fallon, NV still … on the infamous Hwy 50 which is SO long and boring …  ("How long and boring is it you say?)  Well, so boring it’s a
delight when you see a plastic bag stuck on an old fence post … a marvel when you spot a cow … and indescribably amazing when you actually see another car on the road!  That's BORING!!!
You pass several ‘towns’ on that almost 300 miles … some of which have restaurants and gas stations … some of which are even open!!  Not many tho!
A whole lotta nothing!
We’ll spend 2 nights here as there’s a wildlife refuge close by that is supposed to have some great birding.  Then possibly on to Lake Tahoe.  Very tired now … I'll say good night!

Tuesday 14 May 2013

May 13, 2013 - Motorhome Blues ...

Yes, we’ve had some motorhome ‘grouchy’ times again.  Things worked out ok in the end but were looking grim for a while.  Let me begin at the beginning.

We pulled into Bryce Canyon National Park on Saturday the 11th and decided to stay in the park campground.  We hadn’t tried ‘dry camping’ yet and this was a perfect time.  (Note:  Dry camping is basically camping with no hook-ups at all … relying on stored water, propane and battery power.)  We thought we’d be ok as we were full up on all the good stuff … lots of food etc. 

So first night was fine.  Beautiful area … we took a drive to the end of the park which is 18 miles long.  We stopped at all the scenic viewpoints which were amazing to behold!  Bryce is not really a canyon … like Zion … it’s more a plateau along a ridge and you look down into the ‘amphitheatre’ to see the amazing formations.  Back to the campground and a comfortable night with no hookups.  Sunday morning Bruce got up early (5 am) to catch the sunrise and the light on the hoodoos (as it turned out he was about an hour early as sunrise was at 6:22 am) and while he got some good photos he almost froze – actually mildly hypothermic by the time he got back.  After he warmed up a bit we were off on our first hike – the Navajo loop to the Queen’s Garden loop.  It’s about a 3 – 4 mile hike and was SPECTACULAR!  So many amazing viewpoints it’s hard to make time … you have to stop every 10 steps to take more photos!  Anyway we got home eventually only to find everything dead.   No generator, no lights, no furnace, no FRIDGE!!!  Bruce tried everything to no avail!  Apparently the batteries were dead and that was that!

So we had no choice but to forego the 2nd night we’d already paid for in the park and headed for a private campground to be able to plug into some hydro.  Hmmmm.  The fridge still didn’t work.  So now it’s Sunday – and Mother’s day to boot – and we have no power to the fridge!  Bruce sweated his buns off trying to figure it out. 
He eventually went to the campground office to see if there was a chance of a service station nearby to help us.   Unfortunately – No. 

The campground guy suggested a bunch of things that might be the problem but we’d already thought of them.  He eventually came back and helped us with suggestions as to the possible problem and VOILA … Bruce figured it out!!!  Something about a loose connection to the batteries.  So we’re back in business!

Today we went for a longer hike – the Peek-a-Boo loop which was over 5 miles and went from the top to the canyon floor.  What a marvelous hike!!  Unfortunately we’d started late (8:30am) as Bruce woke up with a raging sore throat and needed a bit more sleep – so it was quite hot at the end.  It took us about 4 hours and we saw some of the most amazing sights!  Bryce really is best seen from the bottom, middle and top.  You just can’t describe it … you really have to experience it and I really, strongly suggest everyone sees it at some point.  Truly amazing!

Tomorrow we head out … going West toward the coast.  I think we’ll make for the Oregon Coast and the road up to our ferry at Port Angeles as it’s getting close to the end of our journey.  

Till next time …

Friday 10 May 2013

May 10, 2013 ... A little bit of heaven

Hello from Kanab, UT

We just spent an amazing day … we volunteered for the day at Best Friends Animal SanctuaryHappiness definitely is ‘A Warm Puppy’! 
When you volunteer you get to choose which type of animal you want to work with – they have dogs, cats, horses, pigs, birds …
Of course we chose dogs … and then you get to choose from puppies, young dogs, mature dogs or senior dogs.  I immediately grabbed the puppy slots for Bruce & I!

Oh … how much fun is that?  I kind of lucked out because there’s lots of jobs to do around there like cleaning floors, windows … cleaning poop etc.  But somehow I ‘missed’ all those chores and got to play with a bunch of different puppies all afternoon!
Bruce cleaned some windows and folded laundry and helped feed puppies … but he also got to walk quite a few of them.  

The area itself is amazing ... it's a large no-kill shelter located in Southwestern Utah in Angel Canyon (formerly Kanab Canyon) near Kanab.   The sanctuary is on 3,700 acres (15 km2) owned by Best Friends, with an additional 33,000 acres (130 km2) leased from the United States Bureau of Land Management near Zion National Park, the Grand Canyon's North Rim, Bryce Canyon National Park, and Lake Powell.

The views are spectacular ... and the area feels so peaceful and calm.  They even have a graveyard for their own and other people's pets ... and it sounds very other-worldly with hundreds of wind chimes amongst the graves.  Very moving!
Angel's Rest

You know tho … as much as we loved it … it really makes you remember how much work puppies are.  They are energy in motion!  I’m exhausted!  Tonight will be a nite out for dinner!

Thursday 9 May 2013

May 9th, 2013 Linda's Nightmare

May 9th, 2013

Well, my hands have finally become unclenched enough to write.  The past 2 days have been … eventful to say the least.

We finally got out of Colo. Spgs. On Tuesday after installing the new part for the breaking system … all worked fine. 
We hooked up the car and headed out of the campground at around 7:25 am … going the back way as it’s an easier turn onto the highway.  Unfortunately for us they hadn’t unlocked the gate yet.  What??  The front gate is always unlocked!!  So here we are in a smallish lane with no exit.  Do we unhook the car (hassle) or do we try to make the tight turn?  We try to make the turn.  Bruce got right next to the fence (chain link) and started to turn.  What we ALWAYS forget is that the mo-ho kicks out it’s backside when you turn.  So doing what it does naturally, it kicked out, hooked onto the fence and pulled the back bumper into a 90 degree angle.  Luckily the fence survived.  So … after pulling the bumper into some semblance of ‘normal’ we unhooked the car, removed the braking system and … what???  Someone just came out and unlocked the gate!!  Thanks for that.
Nice drive thru the mountains!
So hook back up and off we go in a rain shower but hey … no big deal, right?  Well, as accustomed as we are to higher altitudes these past 2 months … at heart we’re still sea-level dwellers.  What we failed to take into account is that rain at 6,400 ft is snow at 9,000 ft.  A lot of snow.  So here we are on little, windy roads snowing heavily with snowplows going thru … at about 20 mph.  I’m sure if you touched me then I’d have played a tune I was so tightly strung! 

Needless to say, Bruce is great at driving thru crappy stuff and did just fine.  We finally wound back down to lower levels and got into rain again.  We made it into Durango safe and sound although it took 1 g and t and 2 glasses of wine to loosen me up. 
Today we decided not to drive into Sedona like we’d originally planned as it’s getting close to ‘coming home time’ and we really should be going north, not south.  So we headed to Kanab, UT … another long drive (over 300 miles) and while it snowed on and off it was mostly uneventful.  What beautiful scenery along the way …
We’re here in Kanab for 2 nights anyway … will venture out to Best Friends Animal Sanctuary tomorrow and hopefully I don’t come away with ½ dozen dogs!  Then we’ll head to Bryce Canyon and hopefully camp there a few days (or more!) with all the hiking, biking and sightseeing there is.