Saturday 1 June 2013

May 31, 2013 Back to Reality!

Well, here it is … the final day of our trip.  What a trip it’s been!
We were hoping to spend the final days tootling about the Olympic Peninsula and … we have … but the weather seems to be un-cooperative.  Typical west coast stuff … but a far cry from the sunny southwest.  We’ve had rain, wind … and in some places … snow!!
What the???
Bruce fogged out!
Yes, we drove up to Hurricane Ridge and wouldn’t you know it … we were in the middle of the clouds so couldn’t really see much … and most of the trails were closed as there still a ‘crap-load’ of  snow up there!  Who’d have thought??

Port Townsend
We explored a few other areas around and walked thru Port  Townsend and Port Angeles. Port Townsend is certainly the nicer and more tourist-friendly town.  Very cool old buildings and an interesting history of logging and fishing etc. 

Lodge at Crescent Lake
We also drove out to Crescent Lake which has an old, wonderful lodge built around 1916 or so.  We stopped in and had a nice coffee on their patio looking out over the lake.  A place I’d definitely like to come back to and maybe stay a night or so.  Old jazz standards playing in the background … you can almost see the people dressed up in their tux’es and silk gowns dancing and having champagne.  Very cool.

Tomorrow is back to Victoria and ‘reality’.  We catch the 12:45 ferry out of Port Angeles to downtown Victoria.  We have a spot reserved at West Bay so we’ll head straight there.

So … that’s all folks … until next time …

Good-bye from our home with 6 wheels!